For everyone out there during this COVID time, expanding one's skillset for their professional career or picking up a new hobby was a mandatory affair. We saw our friends bashing around on Instagram with their work on a new editing software they just learnt, a few learning the guitar, some doing some advanced coding courses, and of course, a lot of them becoming stock market experts. All of this made us introspect on our lives. “What am I doing with my time? I need to be more PRODUCTIVE!” Thoughts like these were constantly running in our minds. Even the YouTube algorithm was recommending videos that started with “My Productive Morning Routine!!”, “How to be More Productive?”, etc. The feeling of constantly being overwhelmed crept in.
Around this time we came across an article that highlighted the Flow State of Mind and at the same time, we were reading the book Atomic Habits, where James Clear promoted the thought of just becoming 1% better every day can improve you by 37.38% in that task in a year. The idea resonated with us and thus started the journey of finding our state of flow and becoming a better version of ourselves.
Flow, a state of mind where you get a sense of fluidity between your body and mind, where you are totally absorbed by and deeply focused on something, beyond the point of distraction. Time feels like it has slowed down. Your senses are heightened. You are at one with the task at hand, as action and awareness sync to create an effortless momentum.
In India, tea is close to our hearts, yet a cup of coffee is what we long for to start our day. That caffeine kick is the activation energy we need to cross the laziness barrier and kick start our day.
During the pandemic, we were bored with the traditional coffee available in the retail stores and ordering a coffee from a cafe nearby was an expensive affair. This provoked the thought of having a cafe like coffee with the perfect caffeine kick at home. We started experimenting with different types of coffee available from the local market, started adding flavour, trying out different recipes, until we reached a point where our blend was just right to becoming a cafe-like-perfect cup of coffee with affordability as a cherry on top. We made this coffee blend our daily dose of caffeine kick before starting our day or task. We made this a routine, make a cup of coffee and start working. This is when we realised we slowly started making progress towards our personal goals. There were times in our day when hours felt like minutes and minutes like seconds. We discovered a way to get into our state of flow and hence we named our magic coffee, Flow.
Established in 2022 and headquartered in Pune, Maharashtra, as a brand that helps to reach the pinnacle of your potential so that you leave a mark in this competitive world, Flow, aspires to become the number one preferred beverage brand by bringing the best quality of caffeinated products in the country.